Annual Holiday Party
The most wonderful time of the year is upon us, and we're thrilled to invite you to our annual Holiday Party! Let's gather together to create unforgettable memories, share laughter, and enjoy the spirit of the season.
Date: Sunday, 12/17/2023
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Location: At Mom's Basement Theatre
Open to the whole improv community! Join us for a potluck, holiday games, a white elephant gift exchange, and karaoke!
White Elephant Rules:
Spending Limit no more than $15
Wrap or Box your gift in a way that's so generic and unnoticeable as to what it could be.
Everyone who has brought a gift will get in a circle. Music will play and people will begin passing their gift to the left.
When the music stops you have 10 seconds to make a choice of staying in the circle or leaving with what you got.
After 10 seconds we will continue passing it on.